Shipping in Greece is made via the Geniki Tachydromiki courier services. Once your order payment is confirmed, the package will be shipped within (5) working days and you will receive an email indicating your order has been sent.
For orders sent around Greece, the estimated time of delivery ranges from one (1) to two (2) working days, following the shipping date. For all other countries, delivery time ranges between three (3) and five (5) working days.
Kindly note that your specific location may affect the delivery date.

Τhere is a fixed shipping cost which amounts at four and a half (4.5) euros for orders sent in Greece. For orders over eighty (80) euros, there is no shipping cost.
The fixed cost for other countries withing the EU is ten (10) euros, whereas for orders over a hundred (100) euros, there is no shipping cost.
The fixed shipping cost for all other countries is thirty (30) euros.

Any order placed before 14:00 local time, will be processed the same day, while any order placed after that time will be processed the next day. Furthermore, the orders placed on Fridays, after 14:00 local time, as well as throughout the weekend will be processed on Monday.

Kindly be reminded that shipping at a workplace address is made to a location and not to an individual. It is considered of vital importance to have a trustworthy person receiving the product for you.

Shipping is made on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, apart from official public holidays.

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